Everything here is from my own research, experience and opinion. Others may have different experiences and opinions. All text and photographs Copyright Marc Walton.
Is your outdoor clothing system working for you?
Do you experience any of these problems with outdoor clothing? -
feeling chilli when stopped
feeling cold when it’s windy
getting wet inside a waterproof, even when it is a dry day.
getting too hot
getting too cold
can’t cool down
can’t warm up
Cold hands or cold feet
either hot or cold no comfort
too many clothes to carry
don’t know what outdoor clothes to buy in the shops
I buy outdoor clothes that look good
I buy outdoor clothes the adverts tell me to buy
I buy the outdoor clothes my friends buy
With some knowledge all these problems can be overcome, although there will always be a balance.
Knowing how clothing is made, how it performs, what it’s designed for, what the clothing’s strengths and weaknesses are, how are bodies get warm and how we get cold are important factors to understand.
Knowing more about these factors can help us select the right clothing for us. No more endless searching in outdoor clothing shops because you know what you need already.
The information here could be useful for walkers, hikers, bikers, canoeists and even for anyone who works in the outdoors like gardens, farmers and other countryside workers.
The information is best suited for anyone new to spending time in the outdoors or anyone already spending time but find their outdoor clothing doesn’t really perform up to expectation.
All information is based on my own opinion and experience. Other people’s opinions and experiences may be different to mine.
Information I would like to cover -
How to keep warm
How to keep cool
How the body works
Base Layers
Mid Layers
Belay Layer
Heads and Feet
Plus, reviews of the new clothing products as well as the ones I have used, the good and the not so good.
Looking forward to seeing in the next article!