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Everything here is from my own research, experience and opinion. Others may have different experiences and opinions. All text and photographs Copyright Marc Walton.

3 Layer clothing systems and a new choice

Most places you go for outdoor clothing advice point you to the 3-Layer Clothing System. The 3-Layer Clothing System comprises of a base layer, a midlayer and a waterproof. It is also quite common to put the majority of your budget towards the all singing, all dancing, go anywhere, do anything and in any weather waterproof. I know I did!

I used to find that my 3-Layer outdoor clothing system wasn’t working for me.  Then in 2008 while researching cycling jackets I discovered a clothing system that I had to have & try. 

It was different, and went against the traditional 3-Layer system.  Many knowledgeable people had been using it for years; it was so good the company didn’t need to advertise it.  The users sold it for them instead through word of mouth.

After buying and then using this new and different clothing system, I found it so good I didn’t need to buy another outdoor clothing item for about another 11 years, because it worked so well. 

During those 11 years of use I did notice one or two gaps in the system that I wanted to fill.  So I started researching outdoor clothing again from books and articles. I have gained lots of extra knowledge that I have started to test, implement and benefit from now, and will continue benefiting into the future.

With my new knowledge there is now a whole range of clothing items I want to try and test.  These could either fill gaps in my current system or offer more flexibility, options or performance.

Currently my layering system is based upon the clothing item I brought in 2011 and it will continue to be for a long time, it’s not going to change.

I’m always thinking about my clothing when I’m out walking or biking. I’m always thinking is it performing, is it comfortable and how can it be improved?

What is the outdoors to you

I want to enjoy being outdoors, it means so much to me, and I love beating the elements when I’m out.  Sometimes the best time to be outdoors is when everyone else stays indoors, perhaps because of the weather or perhaps because you went out at some odd time of day. Going out in poor weather (as long as it safe!) or odd times of day can bring with them some of the best experiences.  These times can offer something different and something special that others miss.

The outdoors is more than just a bit of fresh air and exercise. After some personal tragedies in 2004 and 2007 it has become my medicine, my daily pill!

That’s why I’m keen to learn the best ways to stay warm and comfortable in the outdoors.

I’ve picked up a lot of knowledge and understanding that I can share, and I’ve only just started.

This page is my way of sharing the information and I am looking forward to adding lots of information along with product reviews as well, including the item mentioned in the beginning of this this article.

What do you get up to?

I’ve enjoyed the outdoors in many parts of the UK – South Wales, Derbyshire, North York Moors, The Dales, The Lakes, Northumberland, Scotland and of course Norfolk.

I’ve successfully got my daughter up 2 routes of Helvellyn at age 6 and 7.

None of this is particularly special because many people have done these things but at least you can see where I’m coming from.

I hope you enjoy and find value with the information on the site.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my site, I will be revisiting articles as often as I can to improve and add new information. I’m a dyslexic writer, so bare with me!

Please enjoy the rest of the articles on this site and please leave some feedback if you feel like it, thanks again!